Wright Famdamily

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Okay just a little smile....

But then, thats enough of that!

Monday, October 6, 2008


Hello everyone! Its me Matt. I just wanted all my family to know how much I love them and appreciate all that they have done for me and continue to do for me. We have all been through so much together and I know I would be nothing without all of your support and love. I know in the recent past I have not been the best brother/son/husband I can be. I just wanted to thank all of you for still being there even when it may have seemed I was just into myself.

For the first time in my life I found success in the financial department. This was something that my whole life seemed to be a dream that just was not in the stars for me. And in the blink of an eye I had more than I could have ever imagined and a career path that is endless to me. I lost myself in the fame and fortune part of it. I was told that no one has EVER done what I did before and everyone looked up to me. I was a star. I am not going to let my pride take away from me what is most important, my relationship with my family.

Give everything, expect nothing. I love you all. I have been blessed with the perfect wife, and 2 amazing kids. And my son...I have been waiting for him for so long. I ALWAYS knew he was coming, I knew it as well as I know God lives. Even though you all thought I was sterile, ha ha, I never ever doubted he was coming. I knew the second he came to this earth. And I am so grateful he has you all to love him and be there for him. Samara has blown me away with the amount of love she has shown him. She is ALWAYS there for us, all the time. I am so very thankful for her, I could not asked for a better sister, she has grown so much in the past few years. Anyways I am just rambling on. See ya later! Matt

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Wrights at the Hospital

Monday, September 8, 2008

Briggs Born September 3rd 2008

Our Baby Briggs has arrived. September 2nd I was scheduled to induce labor. The hospital called me at 9:30 am to come in and start the process. Matt and I were nervous and excited as we drove to the hospital getting ready to welcome our new son into this world. When we got there it was just him and I and they hooked me up to the IV and moniters to moniter the baby and contractions. Shortly thereafter, they started the pitocin in my IV to get labor started. The contractions started immediately. They progressed getting stronger and stronger, but after 5 hours, I had not dialated at all. The doctor came and broker my water hoping that might get things going, but after a few more hours still no change. I decided that the amount of pain I was feeling and no change, I would go ahead and get the epidurl. After receiving the epidurl, I was still in alot of pain. They kept giving me a higher dose until I finally realized that I was numb on my rib cage, not where I was supposed to be numb. They had to come in and re-do the epidurl and then I realized I was numb from the chest down. At that point I didn't care just as long as I was numb in the right place. After I was numb, there was still no change and babies heart rate was dipping down really low. They were concerned for the baby so they said they were going to turn off the pitocin and let baby rest. Once they turned it on again, if his heart rate was still low, they were going to do a c-section. When they started the pitocin back up, babies heart rate was cooperating and I dilated fully really quickly. When it was time to push he was out within minutes. Once he was out, he gave us a scare by first having the cord wrapped around his neck twice, and second by not breathing. A team of hospital staff came in and got him breathing and then they had to take him to the Intensive care unit to regulate his breathing and give him an IV for blood loss. It was very scary to me, and I didn't get to hold him right away like I would have liked. However, I am so grateful that the Hospital staff was able to do whatever necessary to keep Briggs healthy and safe. He is almost 2 weeks old now and is really a good baby. He sleeps most of the day and wakes up only to eat. He has been a little fussy at nights. I think he is struggling with gas and will ask the dr. what we can do for him at his 2 week apt on Wed. I have so blessed with the support of everyone. My family and Matt's family have been amazing. We are all doing well and looking forward to Grandma Archers trip out this weekend.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Briggs is officially being evicted on Sept 2nd!!!!! I am being induced on that day (provided the hospital has a bed for me). I am so many emotions right now. Very excited to meet him and have a little room to breathe. Scared of labor and sleepless nights. I just found out last night that Matt will be leaving for his job the day after the baby is born. He is not going to be able to sell the post season in Utah due to the fact that it takes a month or so to get a license and you can't sell until you have one. He will probably be moving to DC for 5 weeks. I know it's something he needs to do, but at the same time I am soooo sad and worried about doing this alone for 5 weeks. My mom will leave town on the 3rd also, but will return the next Friday and be home for her surgery for a week. We will probably be taking care of each other. She is having jaw surgery and will have to have to eat blended food for weeks (POOR MOM!) Paula is planning on coming out the 2nd week and help cook some meals that we can freaze. I'm looking forward to seeing her again and her yummmmmy cooking! She is the best! Anyhow, just an update on baby and us. Just a few more days to welcome baby Briggs into this world! Thank you for all your prayers love and support.

Monday, August 25, 2008

1st Anniversary!!

Yes, I know that it has been a long long time since I have posted to our blog. I have had this darn Carpol Tunnel and it makes me not want to do much typing, and I have been a little lazy. =) So Matt and I celebrated our first anniversary on August 17th. It was a nice day. It worked out well because Matt has Sundays off, so we were actually able to spend the day together. We went to church that morning together and then that afternoon just hung out at home with the kids for a while just relaxing and enjoying one another. Later that night Matt and I went to dinner at Ruby River which was yummy and then we bought movie tickets to the Mummy at the Provo Town Center. We had about an hour and a half before our movie started so we walked around Sears for a while. I was really, really slow and Matt thought my waddling was really funny. Not ideal conditions for a romantic date, but we made the best of it and had a lot of fun. The movie was entertaining, but not in a good way. Don't waste your money on seeing the Mummy. It was BAD, but like I said...entertaining because it was so bad, it was a good laugh. We didn't do anything extravigant, but it WAS our first date since May, so to us, it was wonderful. It has been an amazing year. Matt has been the biggest blessing to me and I couldn't ask for a better husband and father to my kids and our new little one soon to arive. I look forward to many more years, memories and experiences that we will get to share together. YAY!!! Happy one year to us!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Okay, everyone has these awesome blogs in the family, except us. I've decided that when I am through with work, I will be better at doing this and then Matt and I can join in on the fun. Thanks everyone for the special birthday wishes to Matt. It made him really happy! Erika, what you said on your blog really meant alot to him....he even looked a little teary eyed, but don't tell him I told you that. ;-)

So the latest with us...Matt is still working his tail off. We don't get to see alot of him, but when we do, we make sure to have alot of fun. This Sunday we are having a birthday party for him at Samara's. We'll have a nice bbq and play fun games, I'm looking forward to some family time. Wish EVERYONE could be there. 6 more weeks of pregnancy for me. I look and feel like I am ready to pop. I've had it pretty good though, just dealing with the hot summer has been rough. My dr. also diagnosed me with pregnancy induced Carpol tunnel. It's really annoying, my hands are half asleep as we speak. Matt has also told me that I need to stop working immediately, I compromised with him and decided I would finish up by the end of July. He is so in tune with the spirit that I have to learn to listen to him. He knew we were going to have a baby, he knew exactly the moment Iwas pregnant, he knew he had a son coming and he knows I need to stop working....think I should listen??....yeah. Heavenly Father has blessed Matt with a job that will support us, and now I need to do my part as a mother. I can't wait! Kylee had a pretty bad seizure last night, I'm a little worried about that, because she hasn't missed a dose of her meds lately. I will call the neurologist on Monday and see what they say, but keep her in your prayers. Preston has been such a great helper for me. He is always opening my door and picking things up for me since it is getting harder to bend. I love my kids. I couldn't ask for better ones. We are all so excited to have our new little addition and can't wait until he comes.